Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kwame find himself behind bars..

The press and Drudge are all over this while the Governor diddles, and the rest of us watch in shock at the way Kwame acts and thinks he's above the law. The press is saying that he will be out in the morning, has to post full bond, and probably will be tethered. Big deal. While Detroit looks worse everyday.

The state of Michigan looks terrible, our leadership is in this for whatever they can get out of it ($$$). Overturn the Michigan constitution just to keep these do nothing, pitiful people in office and the people of Michigan get screwed every time they turn around.

Once again, the state of Michigan is the laughing stock of the country. How pathetic. Lets give more money to the City of Detroit, its Zoo, Cobo Hall, and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's lawyers.

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