Monday, July 20, 2009

Is It Time?

I see that the O-Nuts were visiting while I was away, and I see that the video of Dr. Orly Taitz with Major Cook is on Youtube..Dr orly, you are a blessing to this nation..This article is in the Canadian Free Press, and millions of people realize this is the truth. Its not that we are asking for it, it is being forced on us..I am going to post a few paragraphs, but read the whole article here!

Racially Motivated Violence
At every opportunity, the left is pushing the race card. The left MUST HAVE a divided nation at war with itself. It is the foundation of their power.

When people oppose Obama, it isn’t because he’s completely unqualified for office, or because his policies are aligned with Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky instead of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. It’s because “he’s black,” even though he isn’t “black.”

Yet it was Obama supporters who overlooked everything else to “make history” and elect a candidate strictly on the basis of his alleged race. No more blatant act of racism has ever taken place in America.

We already see a dramatic increase in random acts of racially motivated violence cropping up in cities across the country. ACORN and Black Panther types sense that this is their moment in history to put the “white man” in his proper place, under their jackboot. These folks DO NOT represent the black community. Only an extreme left violent portion of that community. In Obama’s words, “America is no longer a Christian nation, or even a sovereign nation.” In the words of his black nationalist brethren, “this is a black nation now!”

But with record gun and ammunition sales across the political spectrum, it’s not hard to see where other Americans are headed either.

As the economy is driven even further towards utter collapse by an endless flood of Marxist policies oozing daily from the filibuster-proof congress, it’s only a matter of days, weeks or maybe months at the outside, before people take to the streets in more than TEA Parties.

So, its not hard to see why we support Dr. Orly Taitz and why we would rather settle this in court, instead of on the streets of this nation. Its going to happen either way, it has a foregone conclusion, its just a matter of what conclusion you decide to pick. Its not going away any time soon, and calling us all racists wont stop this either. In fact it is infuriating most of us.

When it comes to choose, what are you prepared to do? Just like Pastor Manning said in his wonderful video, white people and patriotic people of all colors are armed. The NRA and the militias and normal folks are thinking the unthinkable. 70 Million armed white people and one Black the video. Pastor Manning is right. Pastor Manning, White Power and One Black Man, we welcome you! More than you know.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wayne Westland Schools use Mao!

Since many parents google schools to see the times and programs etc..I decided that my blog post below needed special keywords, for parents to see what this school district is up to. So every time someone Googles Wayne Westland schools, my blog will come up.

This is for the "uneducated" people like me, that would not ever use "Change Or Die" by Mao to represent a school district and why they are failing and losing enrollment.

If you want your Kindergarten children being taught that gay is OK, enroll them in Wayne/Westland schools. If you think using Mao, a Communist Dictator is a good thing, as in the article I posted below this one, enroll them in Wayne/Westland Schools.

If you think this is UNACCEPTABLE...Home School or enroll them in Livonia schools, or private schools, or whatever..

Its time to break the government school system and start all over. Tenure? NO THANKS! Pay based on good results? Yes!

Its all money to these folks..lets break the piggy bank one by one! When they finally start listening to parents, instead of their fellow comrades and left wingers, we will shut up!
Since taxpayers pay their salaries, and they make a nice buck for 180 days a year, they should answer to us. Until they do, lets let them die a slow death.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Empty Out Michigan Schools!

American Pictures, Images and Photos

Once in a while I get bored and read the local Observer News to see just how screwed up we the people in Michigan are..THIS is on the front page of one of the cities the Observer covers, and not a word in the article about how shocking this is!

Citizens panel looks at W-W's future
By Sue Mason • OBSERVER STAFF WRITER • July 9, 2009

A photograph of Mao Tse Tung with the words “Change or Die” emblazoned across it sent a strong message to more than 100 people in the auditorium of the William D. Ford Career Technical Center last week: Things must change if the Wayne-Westland Community Schools are to thrive and prosper.

A Communist Dictator is their model, and no one says a word in the article that this is UNACCEPTABLE??

Ive said it many times, Ill say it again. HOME SCHOOL, PRIVATE SCHOOL, OR CHARTER SCHOOLS IS THE ANSWER! Take your kids out of this school district immediately! If you have to, put them in another city district school, and remember it is WW schools that want to teach your 5 year old how wonderful it is to be gay! That's right, they approved teaching the gay agenda to your Kindergarten kids! Isn't that nice? Let's use WW Schools as an example!

Now they promote a Communist Dictator's words because they are losing kids (the irony of that one!) and losing federal, state and local money! These OVERPAID Bozo's influence your children's minds! We are a free nation, free people! Look what they are doing to our children!

Pay attention America, before we lose our freedom completely! Start here! After this brazen example of Left Wing Moonbat thinking, we should be grabbing our kids and firing everyone in the school system and closing these schools forever! Local control? You betcha! At its finest!