Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why is Michigan a Blue State?

the audacity of hope voter fraud acorn Pictures, Images and Photos

After all the prosperity of the Engler Administration, we have jumped head first down the blue hole every year since. It doesn't make any sense, and the state has gone straight to Hell ever election we have. Trying to figure out why, other than all the blood suckers on welfare and other programs voting for more free money, I couldn't figure out why no matter how many jobs we lose, no matter how many businesses we lose, no matter how bad it gets, Michigan still votes these corrupt Liberals back in office!

Take a look at Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow, Jennifer Granholm and the Messiah. It still bothers me that we have to "hire" a Canadian when we have millions of regular Americans that could do a much better job. And having two far left Senators to represent us in Washington D.C. only compounds the problem. We get smacked down by our Governor and her greedy fingers who uses us as her personal piggy bank, and then our Senators use us the same way in Washington. And then we top off that screwing with the election of Barry Soetoro. We have no one that can give us a damn break!

Like other blue states, like California and New York, people are leaving and speaking with their feet. Because unlike Liberal feel good programs, we who have to work for our money, don't appreciate our politicians legally stealing it and giving it to their pet projects. And to add more misery, the amount of fraud within these programs is so high that even able bodied people have learned how to steal from its neighbors piggy bank in huge amounts. Some say that the number is $100 million dollars a year just in fraud!

Now why would the average Michigan citizen continue to vote for this? We have been spoon fed lie after lie after lie, and we continue to swallow it? Maybe not..

From RedState:
Detroit has 200k more voters than people over 18

Democrats want every vote, however it got voted to count. Republicans want every voter to count.

There are over 200,000 more registered voters in Detroit than the census estimates that there are people over 18.

“Detroit election officials confirmed Monday what an analysis of census and population records shows: The city has more registered voters than it has residents over the voting age of 18.”
Ultimately, election officials point to federal laws that don’t allow election officials to purge rolls. So what is the Democrats’ — and California Democrat Zoe Lofgren in particular — response? Introduce a bill to forbid purging those rolls.


Now Detroit cannot be alone in this kind of voter fraud, with all the absentee ballots of dead bodies voting. And what kind of job is the Secretary of State doing? If you look at the numbers from the 2008 election results, how much fraud occurred? Look closely at Wayne County, for Detroit, Genessee County for Flint, Saginaw County for Saginaw, Ingham County for Lansing, and see how easy it would be for these counties, through voter fraud, to throw every election we have. And from the looks of it, it is being done with the blessings of everyone involved.

And where is Terri Lynn Land, and what is she doing about it, other than running for Governor next year? Lets hope she doesn't get the nod for Governor.

Then take a look at the results from the 2006 Governor's election and concentrate on the same numbers of the major counties that I named above. With the number of fraudulent voters, its easy to see how these elections can be stolen, especially when 1/4 of voters are dead or illegal.
If 200 thousand votes just in Detroit are illegal or dead, and they magically always vote for a Democrat, we have more fraud in Michigan than anyone ever suspected.

How corrupt is this state? Is it too late to save it? From the looks of all the moving vans driving out of Michigan, it may be too late, since no one seems to care, or to be able to do a damn thing about it. What a crying shame!

It is time to change this state around, or no one will be left here, but the suckers and the thieves. Maybe we should sue ACORN until we sue them out of existence, they just got a few billion from the Usurper in Chief..that would be a start. And then sue the cities that allow this lawlessness to happen. A huge number of lawsuits, (sort of like liberals do, sue, sue, sue!) would put an end to this. Its time has come! Maybe we can hire Liberal Geoffry Fieger to do something good for once. Heh, maybe not!

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