Sunday, April 20, 2008

Attention Investers! Add Livonia to the list of properties NOT to buy!

Adding to the group of cities that make Investors that buy rental homes to get a yearly inspection, that the Investor pays for, and that the city dictates repairs, IS LIVONIA! I guess having those Orange and Red stickers on a vacant home will now start in Livonia too!

Good job for a nice Republican/Conservative city! Investors are running as fast as they can from the other cities that require these inspections, choosing to either sell them or let them go back to the bank, and now Livonia will join the club!

For some reason, politicians think that these people must be rich, and its another way to hit the citizens up for more money. There's a huge problem with this thinking, drive through the suburbs that already have this crazy Nanny State crap and see what is happening. The cities are not doing better, they are actually doing worse.

And what are the darling renters and the darling people that have their homes foreclosed on? They are blaming everyone but themselves. What are they doing, you ask?

When they finally move out after almost a year of free rent on the backs of the lenders, (it takes almost a year to get them out!) they are stripping the houses of everything including the kitchen cupboards. They are pouring dry cement down the toilets and sinks, and trashing the place with filth. Permanent Magic Markers full of obscenities all over the walls, and even the vinyl windows.

Investors are done with the courts siding with the renters. They trash the place, don't pay the rent, and almost all the time its the mean landlords fault, because for some reason courts think all landlords are rich.

So there goes all the rental homes, soon only apartments will be available, and even they are subjected to these inspections. Maybe renters in apartments don't know how to check and see if the light switches work, or the toilets flush. We need Big Brother to do that for you, while you stand there and watch them go through your private home. And then the city wonders why some of these apartment buildings are being turned into Condos. And why they are so cash strapped.

And why the moving vans are heading south, out of Michigan and all this government interference. Its time to turn the lights out on the state of Michigan. You got the government that you asked for, and now no one can afford it. Great Job, liberals!

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